
Date Title Minister Key Text
Jul 11, 2021 (Morning) Infants also belong to God’s covenant Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 27
Jul 11, 2021 (Morning) Only through Faith in Jesus Christ Are All Who Believe Justified by God Rev. R.C. Janssen Romans 3:22–25
Jul 4, 2021 Baptism is important as sign and seal of God’s covenant with His children Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 26
Jul 4, 2021 (Morning) Praise be to God, the LORD, our Help and Hope Rev. R.C. Janssen Psalm 146
Jun 27, 2021 (Afternoon) The creation of all things Rev. B. Schoof Belgic Confession: Article 12
Jun 27, 2021 (Morning) The first fruit of the Spirit is love Rev. B. Schoof Galatians 5:22
Jun 20, 2021 (Afternoon) Life is an unhappy business
Rev. R. Visscher
(Read by Elder D. Driegen)
Ecclesiastes 1:12–18
Jun 20, 2021 (Morning) Yahweh prepares for the redemption of Judah. He does so
Rev. K. Kok
(Read by Elder R. Jacobi)
Ruth 1:6–22
Jun 13, 2021 (Evening) The sacraments confirm my security in Christ Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 25
Jun 13, 2021 (Morning) Persevere through Prayer Rev. R.C. Janssen Ephesians 6:18
Jun 6, 2021 (Morning) Office bearers, execute your mandate faithfully Rev. R.C. Janssen Acts 20:28
May 23, 2021 (Afternoon) We are saved by grace alone Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 24
May 23, 2021 (Morning) No language barrier will stop the Gospel Rev. R.C. Janssen Genesis 11:9
May 16, 2021 (Afternoon) I am secure in salvation through faith Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 23
May 16, 2021 (Morning) Yahweh is my help, my strength Rev. R.C. Janssen 2 Chronicles 26

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