
Date Title Minister Key Text
Oct 20, 2019 (Afternoon) We have faith in the LORD who says “Your sins are forgiven” Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
Oct 20, 2019 (Morning) God promises His people a new start Rev. R.C. Janssen Micah 2:12–13
Oct 13, 2019 (Afternoon) We have faith in the LORD who says “Your sins are forgiven” Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
Oct 13, 2019 (Morning) The land has yielded through God’s favour, its harvest, rich and bountiful Rev. R.C. Janssen Psalm 67
Oct 6, 2019 (Afternoon) We have faith in the LORD who gathers His own in a communion of saints Rev. R.C. Janssen 1 Corinthians 1:1–9
Oct 6, 2019 (Morning) The Ruler Supreme announces His judgment over sin Rev. R.C. Janssen Micah 1:2–7
Sep 29, 2019 (Afternoon) Pilgrim People: Together watching out for unbelief and continuing in faith Rev. I. Borst Hebrews 3:12–14
Sep 29, 2019 (Morning) Think of the best things, then put them into practice Rev. I. Borst Philippians 4:8–9
Sep 22, 2019 (Afternoon) We have faith in the Triune God leading His church Rev. R.C. Janssen Revelation 3:1–13
Sep 22, 2019 (Morning) Only the LORD is to be trusted, only God gives certainty Rev. R.C. Janssen Proverbs 3:5
Sep 15, 2019 (Afternoon) The Holy Spirit, who is true and eternal God, has been given to us personally! Rev. T. VanSpronsen John 14:15–31
Sep 15, 2019 (Morning) Be wise before God Rev. R.C. Janssen James 3:13–18
Sep 8, 2019 (Afternoon) I believe that the Most Supreme Judge is my Redeemer Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 19
Sep 8, 2019 (Morning) Your hope be joy and not perish (LS) Rev. R.C. Janssen Proverbs 10:28
Sep 1, 2019 (Afternoon) Have confidence that Christ’s heavenly presence benefits you Rev. R.C. Janssen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 18

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